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Case Study: Janne Parviainen – Sacred Geometry

Case Study: Janne Parviainen – Sacred Geometry

A making-of video of Janne’s new light painting artwork, combining forced perspective drawing and light painting in a new, innovative way.

Below are a few photos of the set made for the light painting:

The starting point for the new project.

The perspective lines alter dramatically when  the viewing point changes.

Detail from the action painting part of the work.

The dummy is attached to the table through a masked hole in it.

Searching for the correct position of the light figure and the drawing where it continues to the floor.

The finifhed set for the light painting.

Finished work. Check out the video above to see the complete process!


About The Author

Janne Parviainen

Janne Parviainen is a light artist from Helsinki. His work has been featured in various magazines, books and art blogs such as The National Geographic, The Guardian, Daily Mail, Wired, Juxtapoz, Spiegel Online, Metro Newspaper. Janne has worked with well-known brands such as Adobe Systems Inc., Olight and Nippon Television producing high-level artistic material for commercial use. His work has been on display globally on exhibitions, light art festivals and museums. In his light art Janne Parviainen studies the possibilities of spaces and dimensions by creating topographic maps with light and by incorporating illuminated forced perspective drawings with light painting.

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