The Great Awakening – TAO LP 12
01 01 2021
The Great Awakening.
An art manifesto marking our time.
Aiming at something higher than the perceived self, a greater truth, a connecting point that unifies us all.
This is the time to fully realize and embrace our role as the Creators of reality.
The duality mindset previously cultivated is incomplete and limited, a temporary belief that divides and disempowers, disconnecting us from a higher and greater truth.
By embracing the complexity, the interconnection, the oneness, and the role we have as conscious creators and co-creators, we transcend the cultural illusion of separation, so to reach our full potential.
We are creators, we are energy.
Regardless of any belief, whether it is nature-made, human-made, or divinity-made, all is creation, all is created. We are a self-created creation. Creation is our force, creation is the answer to everything.
Science demonstrates that everything is vibrating, interactive, and undivided. All of nature, the world, the universe, from micro to macro, beyond the visible, all composed of energy. Self-generated energy that gives shape and thought in multiple dimensions forever re-creating itself anew.
By letting go of the limits, of the human-centric experience, transcending duality, and embracing complexity, we attain a state of completeness and presence. We unite, empower, engage, reconnect.
We embrace our role consciously when we realize that all is We, We are all. Meaning all living creatures, plants, rocks, water, air, stars, planets, and beyond. We are the created creators, energy in all forms, energy in matter.
Energy Art.
Photographic light painting is a manifestation of our time. It reflects the shift happening in perception, knowledge, and consciousness. It is Energy Art.
Light painting teaches how to make use of the imagination, intuition, emotions.
It is a way to let go, connect, heal, empower, expand, and grow beyond the self to a greater truth about energy, how to move it, how to become it.
An act that allows higher consciousness to come in, a portal to reach beyond the perceived limitations, an artistic expression of the subtle light body of which we know so little of. Light painting is a representation of the trace we create and leave behind during this passage in life.
Light painting is an active-creative meditation. By losing the controlling aspect of the mind, it allows access to the other layers of our being. It strengthens the mind-body-spirit connection to attain wisdom.
The learnings are transformative and apply to all situations in life, it becomes a way of living.
Creation by light, darkness, movement, presence, technology, humanness. Using the energy within, the spirit, the chi, the same energy that creates life, planets, star systems, and that binds us all.
Photographic light painting is a new culture based on preceding knowledge, it captures a glimpse of the invisible realities, an art of the imagination.
Transcending duality, to access the divine by light.