Photo of the Week 43
Our artist of the month October, Palateth went again through your submissions on Instagram with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag.
His choice for the Photo of the week is this photo by Gareth Nathan.
Here is what Pala said about his choice:
I like the humour of this idea, but I also like all the work Gareth has made to create this. The tunnel gives a beautiful sense of scale and depth, and his literal light painter is a fun and poetic idea. I also like the fact that it’s all about imagination and creativity. He has created the whole scene from scratch. No need for a spectacular location to create a beautiful picture.
You can find more of Gareth’s work on his Flickr and Instagram accounts
Congrats Gareth!
There are daily features on our Instagram account and once per week, the Artist of the month will be selecting one to be featured as the Photo of the week!
Welcome to follow us and tag your images on Instagram with our hashtag to participate!