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Photo of the Week 43 – 2018

Janne Parviainen


Once again our artist of the month September  Hugo Baptista went through all your submissions with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag.

The image he has chosen is this  by Janne Parviainen

Here is what Hugo said about his choice:

This week’s choice goes to one of the many forced perspective works by Janne Parviainen: “existing without meaning”. I love the monochrome simplicity on this one but nothing is simple about making something like this. Janne’s signature light man arising from its less ephemeral drawing on the ground; the chosen props for the message; the alternate perspective. All reasons to call this an incredible work of Art.


You can find  more of Jannes work on his Instagram  and his newly updated website

Congrats Janne!



There are daily features on our Instagram account and once per week, the Artist of the month will be selecting one to be featured as the Photo of the week!

Welcome to follow us and tag your images on Instagram with our hashtag to participate

About The Author

Jannis Sid

Jannis Sid aka Luplof is a greek Light Painter based in Helsinki Finland. Working for 20 years in the entertainment industry as a light designer he has developed a special relationship with light. Light painting since he moved to Finland in 2010, more actively since 2015. In 2017 he founded the LightPaintBox and started this blog.

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