Weekly Feature- # lightpaintingblog
Every week there will be a photo feature.
You can join by posting your submission on Instagram with the hashtag #lightpaintingblog
The Artist of the Month will pick one image from all submissions every Sunday.
The image will be featured as the Photo of the Week on the blog and our social media pages.

Photo of the Week 40-2018
PHOTO OF THE WEEK 40 Once again our artist of the month September Hugo Baptista went through all your submissions with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag. The image he has chosen is this by Chris Bauer Here is what Hugo said about his choice: This week's choice goes to...

Photo of The Week 39-2018
PHOTO OF THE WEEK 39 Our artist of the month September Hugo Baptista went through all your submissions with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag. The image he has chosen is this one, named "Find your light" by Olivier Faÿ Here is what Hugo said about his choice: Olivier...

Photo of the Week 35-2018
PHOTO OF THE WEEK 35 Since our new artist of the month is not yet up, our artist of the month August Tdub went again through all your submissions with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag. The image he has chosen is this one by Phill Fisher Here is what Trevor said about...

Photo of the Week 34-2018
PHOTO OF THE WEEK 34 Our artist of the month August Tdub went again through all your submissions with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag. The image he has chosen is this one by Jorge Segura Here is what Trevor said about his choice: has some story to it and the...

Photo of The Week 33-2018
PHOTO OF THE WEEK 33 Our artist of the month August Tdub went through all your submissions with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag. The image he has chosen is this one by Denis Smith. Here is what Trevor said about his choice: exposed perfectly, strong composition with...

Photo of the Week 31 – 2018
PHOTO OF THE WEEK 31 Since our new artist of the month is not announced yet our artist of the month July Frodo Alvarez DKL selected again through all your submissions with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag. The image he has chosen is this one by Cisco. Here is what...

Photo of the Week 30 – 2018
PHOTO OF THE WEEK 30 For this week our artist of the month July Frodo Alvarez DKL checked again all your submissions with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag. The image he has chosen is this one by Chris Thomson. Here is what Frodo said about his choice: I loved this...

Photo of the Week 29
PHOTO OF THE WEEK 29 For this week our artist of the month July Frodo Alvarez DKL went through all your submissions with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag. The image he has chosen is this one by Russell Tyler Klimas. Here is what Frodo said about his choice: I feel...

Photo of the Week 25
PHOTO OF THE WEEK 25 For this week our artist of the month June Jukka Laine went through all your submissions with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag. The image he has chosen is this one by Alex Beisner. Here is what Jukka said about his choice: Many times a light...

Photo of the Week 24
PHOTO OF THE WEEK 24 Once again our artist of the month June Jukka Laine went through all your submissions with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag. For this week the image he has chosen is this one by Mass. Here is what Jukka said about his choice: This looks like some...

Photo of The Week 23
PHOTO OF THE WEEK 23 For this week our artist of the month June Jukka Laine went through all your submissions with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag. The image he has chosen is this one by Vingt Cent. Here is what Jukka said about his choice: Really good composition of...

Photo of the Week 21
PHOTO OF THE WEEK 21 Our artist of the month May Denis Smith went again through all your submissions with the #lightpaintingblog hashtag. He has chosen this image by Mafu Fuma which was also made during the LightPainters United Meetup in Belgium Here is what Denis...