Light Mosaic: Piece Out and LPWA project
Inspired by the work of Brian Matthew Hart and Chris Bauer, I dabbled in creating some light painting mosaics. First I did a few by hand, then I wrote some software to help visualize and assemble it real-time.
Buddha mosaic by Chris Bauer
After talking with Jannis Sid, founder of this blog, I decided to create a new collaborative mosaic system that would enable light painters from anywhere in the world to team up and create mosaics. This system would take an image, slice it into smaller pieces, and let registered users request pieces to work on. Once they had completed their pieces they would then upload them back to the website and the system would assemble them into a mosaic.
Thus was born
See PieceOut In Action
Here is a sample from PieceOut that is currently in progress, an illustration of Wolverine by Jon Hughes. As of this point about 20 artists have contributed.
First, the reference image:
Second: the work in progess with tiles uploaded:
Third: the work in progress superimposed on the source image to give us a sense of perspective.
This particular piece is ongoing and you’re welcome to contribute to this inaugural collaboration piece!
International Day of Light Project
PieceOut is collaborating with the Light Painting World Alliance to do a project for the forthcoming International Day of Light. The first step was to solicit some suggestions for a source image. We collected a few and picked the top two. We are currently in the voting phase. If you’d like to have a voice in which image we will do you can go here and vote.
On January 19th we will announce the choice of source image and invite people to start claiming and creating tiles. Our goal is to engage the world of light painting and we will have somewhere around 300 tiles that can be created. Initially we will limit it to 3 tiles per person, and we’ll open that up if we need to later. That said, we want to get as many people involved as possible.
To keep up on this project please visit the Facebook event page. Please join us and take part!
Light Painting Blog Mosaics
After this International Day of Light project is done we are likely to start up ongoing collaborative mosaic projects sponsored by Light Painting Blog. Stay tuned for more!