Featured Artist – Dan Chick
Artist of the Month November – Dan Chick
We decided to change a bit the way we’ll be doing some stuff here in Light Painting Blog, especially on this section with the featured artist. When I first started this my idea was to have Skype calls with the artists, sort of straight out of camera video ( straight out of Skype.. ) in order to see the real person behind the artist. In the process and because of some technical difficulties (sounds over internet etc) we kind of gave up on this and tried to produce some video interviews. These are also nice, but it takes a long time and effort from both the artist and myself to produce and have ready each month, and since most of us are doing other stuff for a living too, it’s getting harder sometimes.
So after some time, we are now trying again with this idea of Skype calls, bringing a more relaxed conversation. The video features will continue to happen periodically and depending on the schedule and timelines of artists etc. Light painting is all about experimenting so I guess our blog has to do that too 🙂 Hope you enjoy this!
We start in November with one of our author team Dan Chick.
Great guy, great mind, inspiring work! Check out the video call and some of his work below.
you can find more about Dan and his work at his website, FB and Instagram accounts. He also writes right here in Light Painting Blog so check him out!