The Creator – TAO LP 6
You know when I started writing these articles, and I’m not a writer by nature, (out of the comfort zone here) my goal was to open up and share the discoveries, the results of exploration and questioning I’ve had in the last 24 years of light painting.
These articles can hopefully inspire your exploration, nourish the imagination, and help expand your creative process.
This is less about the technique, the tips & tricks since so much of this has been covered already. It is more about the inner learnings, the subtleness, the very real abstract elements of ourselves, and the journey.
I realize today that it’s not really, about the Art of Light Painting that I’m talking about but rather its exploration, the creativity, the energy behind this medium, the energy we all are.
I realize today that it’s not really, about the Art of Light Painting that I’m talking about but rather its exploration, the creativity, the energy behind this medium, the energy we all are. That, the idea of being an artist, can be intangible, frustrating, limiting, and doesn’t necessarily bring you into the right action. What truly matters is to realize that we are all creators and co-creators, to which a direct connection is made with empowerment, engagement, and responsibility.
The creator mindset can bring you to realize that everything is created, everything is creation.
We are constantly creating, not just with light painting but directly with life everywhere and all the time.
So calling these articles The Art of Light Painting (TAO LP), is a way to help thinking outside the box on the less technical aspect of light painting and explore the more creative sides of ourselves.
We are the creators of our life, the creators of our realities, the creators of our cultures, the creators of destruction, and relationships. It’s actually all co-creation.
Create consciously, enjoy, and share. Make a new vision for yourself. Know that you have more gifts, surprises, and talents in each corner of yourself.
Here is what happens when 4 people get together to create openly together:
Anr here is the behind the scene video: